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Resource view - Header offset

Asked by Anonymous
18 years ago.


I got your component as a trial version and was playing with Resource view, I did change one meeting room column name too "Communications" and header of your component and columns of calendar went offset do you have any fix for that

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
18 years ago.
Is this what you mean?

The control is wide enough here -
All the columns and header correspond.

The control is too narrow -
"Communications" text of the header is always visible and the column widths don't correspond.

It happens when you have too long word in the header and when the control is too narrow at the same time.
I'll try to tweak the header cell not to show all the text when there is not enough space there.
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
This will be fixed in DayPilot Pro 3.5 SP3: If the header is too long the overlapping parts of the header title will be hidden.
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
It has been fixed in DayPilot Pro 3.6.
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