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DayPilotNavigator postback

Asked by João Silva
9 years ago.

Hi guys,

I am using version 7.3.2841.1 and only now I have noticed on a problem.
I have a DayPilotMonth and a DayPilotNavigator to go through the months. Everything works fine when I cycle through months. However when for example I select a month that is not in the 3 initial months (when I click to show the previous 3) and make a filter with a dropdown. When the postback accours the DayPilotNavigator automatically jump back the 3 initial months yet the highlighted month continue to be the selected one before the postback occour. The selected "VisibleStart" and "VisibleEnd" on the DayPilotNavigator are ok however is not the range shown. Can you help me out?

Best regards,

João Silva

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