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Month view

Asked by Hisham
16 years ago.

hi again!! is it possible to view the calendar in month format ,, as following

Jan | feb | mar | apr | may | june | july | aug | sept |

where all the months are displayed, where only the selected month is shown exapnded , and the other months stays collapsed, and within that month all the events will be shown. will be great to see a reply to this.... . so each time a month is selected it expands...thanks in advance

Comment posted by Hisham
16 years ago.

or the same thing like showing all the days of the month in the similar fashion and keeping the selected date expanded. at present if we keep the days= "31" it becomes really nasty.

so i want u to help with this pls.. like how do i handle when a header is clicked so that it gets exapanded and collapsed..

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.
It should be possible to add a custom toolbar on the top of the month view (DayPilotMonth) and list the months there. You should be able to switch the date using dpm.refreshCallBack().

At this moment you would have to create such a toolbar yourself but I expect one day it will be integrated into DayPilot.
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