"You can use DayPilotCalendar.Update(data) method on the server-side to pass a custom parameter (data - a string or a Hashtable) to the client side."
I can just pass my parameters directly into theJS function I will be calling client side. Is it still neccesary to update for theJSto be executed?
"Then specify AfterRenderJavaScript property: It will contain the JavaScript code to be executed after CallBack (in fact it's executed always after the rendering is finished). Your "data" form Update() method will be available as "data" variable. If you pass a Hashtable, it will be evaluated into an object, e.g. data["Result"] will be available as data.Result."
I have triedmyCalendar.AfterRenderJavaScript = "alert('TEST');"; unfortunately this doesn't seem to get executed client side.
"A working example can be found in Demo/Calendar/Default.aspx."
Unfortunately the example mentioned does not demonstrate the use of #AfterRenderJavaScript. Any pointers?