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DayPilotMonth Start Date

Asked by Anonymous
17 years ago.
I'm using the DayPilotMonth control from version 4.3. I'm trying to display December 2007. The events show up correctly--and in the correct cells--but the cells are mislabeled! For example, December 1, 2007 is on a Saturday. However, on my month control, it shows up as a Sunday with Saturday November 30 showing in the December 1 box. Yet, the december 1 event is in the Nov 30 cell. I tried setting StartDate = 12/1/2007, but that had no effect. Also, I have the WeekStartDay set to Sunday. Is there something I am doing wrong? Thanks
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
Thanks for reporting the issue. It might be a bug that has something to do with the time zones (that's tricky sometimes). I have a few questions:

1. Is the online demo ( corrent or not?
2. What's the culture that the page is using?
3. What's the time zone set on the server?
4. What's the time zone set on the client?
5. What's the number in the cell in the upper-left corner (the first one)?
Comment posted by Anonymous
17 years ago.
1. The online demo looks correct. Which makes me think I'm simply missing something. But looking at the sample code, I can't seem to find it. 2. I'm not using any localization or globalization stuff... The server is using US English. 3-4. US Central 5. Very first cell is Sunday 24. Also, Sunday and Monday appear with the weekend backcolors.
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
Good. I'm now able to replicate the issue:
  • The time zone must be minus GMT.
  • You must not handle the BeforeCellRender event (when you handle it the cell backgrounds and numbers are automatically calculated on the server side).
  • It happens in IE only (Firefox is working fine).
I'm now going to fix the issue. The quick workaround is to handle BeforeCellRender event (the handler method can be empty).
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
It's now fixed in the code. Tomorrow, I will release a service pack that will include this fix.

Thanks for your help!
Comment posted by Anonymous
17 years ago.
Thank you very much! I'm glad I was not going crazy!
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