I have a question, Could I load the CSS for DayPiolotBubble at run time (in .cs fine).
Here is my scenario: I have 4 themes when I change the theme dynamically, DayPilotNavigator and DayPilotScheduler are changing properly but not DayPilotBubble. Could you have any suggestion why this is not working for Bubble tooltip and Bubble resource.
Here is the code example:
OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
scheduler.CssClassPrefix = "scheduler_blue"; //Working
DayPilotNavigatorScheduler.CssClassPrefix = "navigator_blue"; //Working
DayPilotBubbleEvenement.CssClassPrefix = "bubble_blue"; //Not working
DayPilotBubbleResource.CssClassPrefix = "bubble_default"; //Not working
Thanks for your reply.