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Duration Bar and event to have different times in Scheduler

Asked by Tom
17 years ago.
Hi Dan,

I was just wondering if it is possible to set a time for the Duration Bar and a Different time for the Event block?

Reason I ask is because a lot of our locations have a setup time of which we want to display the setup and close times.


event start time 11:00
Duration start time: 11:30 (this is including a 30 minute setup time)

event end time 13:00
Duration end time: 12:30 (this is including a 30 minute close time)

I have seen the sort of thing I am after in the controls when the event starts between the cell duration
cell duration = 15
the event starts at 10 past then the duration bar doesnt go all the way to the end. I was just wondering if I could control that programatically?
Comment posted by Alex.
17 years ago.
I second that request for the same reason, setup and tear down times.
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
This looks like a legitimate request and it's worth an analysis.

Originally, I wanted to continue with a long argumentation on how the blocks are necessary for correct event displaying, that it's necessary to align the blocks with the cells, and that it would be mixing of two different purposes.

However, it seems that the blocks are useful for really short events where they force them to become bigger and better readable objects (otherwise there could be events 2px wide). But for the longer events, it's actually not necessary and it's doesn't mean any UI improvement.

I will need to extend the current set of options for UseEventBlocks (Never, ShortEventsOnly, Always) with something like Custom. It will also require other API extensions (I'm not sure it should be available on the top level along with DataStartField, etc. - it will rather go into BeforeEventRender). This is not quite trivial so I'm not able to provide it within days. A realistic schedule is somewhere around 1 March release (4.6).
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