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Drop events outside Scheduler

Asked by Dan
9 years ago.

Is there a way to capture when an event is dropped outside of the Scheduler? I want to have a queue of tasks that can be dragged to and from the schedule. Currently I have the external drag-and-drop demo working, but I can't find a way to drag events back into the queue.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
9 years ago.

Unfortunately the Scheduler doesn't support that at the moment.

There are two options:

1. You can implement the queue using a special instance of the Scheduler (i.e. one resource, set the row header width to 0, one time cell, use custom sorting for ordering the items...). That way you will be able to drop it back in the queue.

2. You can use a context menu ("Unschedule") and use JavaScript to remove the event from the Scheduler and render it in the queue.

Comment posted by Dan
9 years ago.

Good ideas. Thanks!

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