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Increase Cell Width based on number of Events

Asked by BKO
9 years ago.

I want to add multiple events in a single cell of DayPilot Scheduler MVC. If I am adding more than one events in the same cell, then the events are created in a top down fashion. That is, scheduler cell width is constant and cell height is increased based on number of events. To avoid this problem i tried the following line of code.

GroupConcurrentEvents = true,
UseEventBoxes = DayPilot.Web.Mvc.Enums.Scheduler.UseEventBoxesType.Never

Now the events are coming in a single row. But event width is varying based on its duration. But I want to fix the event width as a constant value and based on the event count, its corresponding cell width should be increases as marked in the attachment. How can I customize Daypilot scheduler in this fashion?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
9 years ago.

Unfortunately this scenario is not supported. You can define a custom timeline ( and set the column width as needed but the events will always be displayed with respect to their start and end position in the timeline.

Note: I'm removing the "lite" tag - the Scheduler is only available in the Pro (paid) edition.

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