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Error: Unkown Server Tag DayPilot, how should I correc it?

Asked by JP
16 years ago.
Hello everyone! I downloaded the VS 2008 express and the DayPilot lite, I started a new web site project and linked the DLL file to the Toolbox like the tutorial said.

I then dragged and dropped a DayPilot calendar to my design view and I can see it render there with only one column (today's date). But when I run the project I get an "Unkown Server Tag" error for DayPilot on the line that says


any idea what I should do to fix this?

thanks in advance!
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.
It seems that the DayPilot prefix declaration is broken. Can you post your full ASPX file?
Comment posted by daomingzu
11 years ago.


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