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Cannot find the control in code behind

Asked by Anonymous
14 years ago.

I've tried DayPilot.
When I need to create a new VS project, I follow the instruction that to add bin and tool box.

In the aspx, I can add the DayPilotCalendar as ID="DayPilotCalendar1", but in code behind, the control is not found, why ?

I've tried many times.

I only can success in the pervious project, but I deleted it already!

Comment posted by Random Dude that now loves Chicken
13 years ago.
Have you tried re-including the dll to your project?
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
13 years ago.

What's the error message you are getting?

As Random Dude suggested, the daypilot.dll should be placed in the bin directory of the web application. However, that is usually done automatically when you drag a control from the toolbox to a page.

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