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Events automatically created from 12:00 AM -12:00PM

Asked by Jim
17 years ago.
The Calendar control sometime automatically creates Events than span the whole day from 12:00 am to 12:00 pm
You can also navigate to the above online demo, on the Calendar control if you navigate to "All AJAX features", from
day Feb 24 to Feb 28, 2008 those seems to be also un-needed all day events created because of the bug.
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
This is not a bug. This event ("Event 11") is generated in Demo/App_Code/DataGenerator.cs:

dr = dt.NewRow();
dr["id"] = 11;
dr["start"] = Convert.ToDateTime("00:00").AddDays(8);
dr["end"] = Convert.ToDateTime("00:00").AddDays(15);
dr["name"] = "Event 11";
dr["column"] = "D";

It's an event that takes 7 days and by default it's rendered as 7 pieces (event parts), one in each day. It can be also moved to the all-day area by adding:

dr["allday"] = true;
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