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I want to change complete look and feel of calendar

Asked by Sheraz
17 years ago.
kindly tell me all the css classes names that can be modified and is there a way i can modify all properties using css style sheet. as i want to enable theming on my calendar.
Comment posted by Sheraz
17 years ago.
Quick response is required. Please Dan
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
The overview of what can be changed is in the release notes for 4.2:

At this moment CSS class styling is enabled for DayPilotCalendar and DayPilotScheduler. Let me know if you have any questions regarding this feature.
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
There are also two examples included in the DayPilot Pro package:
  • Demo/Calendar/CssStyling.aspx
  • Demo/Scheduler/CssStyling.aspx
Comment posted by Irfan
17 years ago.
I am facing the same problem. I have checked but it contains information for event, header, cellbackground, hourcellborder and hourhalfcellborder only. I want to apply classes on other elements too. Like all day event, hour name border, hour name background etc.
Kindly guide me how to style these elements using css classes.
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
The release notes list all properties that can be changed using CSS classes.

I plan to add more objects (some are problematic because the rendering uses tweaks to make it cross-browser compatible). The estimate is 1 April (release 4.7).

I will be also changing the way the CSS classes are specified: At this moment you specify a single CssClass property and define classes like daypilot.header, daypilot.event, etc. That is causing problems because the class attribute used in the HTML has to be in the following format: class="daypilot header". If you already have .header class defined it will be applied as well.

It will be replaced by object-specific properties to prevent such interference:
  • CssClassHeader
  • CssClassEvent
  • ...
It will also be more clear what can be styled using classes.
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