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How to start

Asked by Anonymous
17 years ago.
I just downloaded Daypilot i don't know how to use it. I saw all the forum topics.but still don't know.I have worked in 2.0 but don't know AJAX. Any help will be really appreciated.
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
1. You should take a look at the tutorial ( It's for the Lite edition but you will get the basic idea about the basic concepts (data binding, important properties, etc.). It also helps you with installing the controls into Visual Studio.

2. Then you should take a look at the Demo and DemoSQL directories in the download package.
  • "Demo" contains features samples (especially the Calendar directory) - each page shows usage of one feature (e.g. EventMoving.aspx shows how to enable drag&drop event moving). The Default.aspx page is always more complicated and shows how to integrate multiple features. All samples in Demo directory work with fake data sources (mostly it's a DataTable generated using DataGenerator class from App_Code).
  • "DemoSQL" shows how to integrate DayPilot with a real database (a sample SQL Express database is attached as well).
3. To summarize the necessary steps:
Comment posted by Anonymous
17 years ago.

Thank you for the reply

I created a new website in vs2005 and added daypilot to toolbox and then did everything told in databinding.htm.

the site is running but not showing any data on calender.I made sure that data is there in the datatable.

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