I'm trying to add a button to the first column of each swim lane. I am well aware of the online example that demonstrates how to do this in JavaScript, but I'm struggling to get it right with AngularJS. This is what I've done thus far:
<daypilot-kanban config="vm.config" on-before-cell-render="vm.onBeforeCellRender(args)"></daypilot-kanban>
vm.onBeforeCellRender = function(args) {
if (args.cell.column.data.id === '1') {
args.cell.areas = [
right: 5,
bottom: 5,
width: 100,
height: 30,
html: 'Add',
cssClass: 'mst-add-button',
action: 'JavaScript',
js: function (arg) { addMilestoneTask(arg); }
So the button is being created, but not in the very first row, only from the second on wards. And this is after I receive an Angular error:
Error: [$rootScope:inprog] http://errors.angularjs.org/1.5.8/$rootScope/inprog?p0=NaNigest
My config setup looks like:
vm.config = {
cellMarginBottom: 40,
cardDeleteHandling: 'Update',
columns: [
{ name: 'New', id: '1', areas: [{ right: 5, top: 1, bottom: 1, width: 18, html: '+', cssClass: 'ms-add-button', action: 'JavaScript', js: function (args) { addMilestone(args); } }] }
//{ name: 'In Progress', id: '2' },
//{ name: 'Completed', id: '3' }
cards: _.flatten(_.map(vm.selectedProject.ProjectMilestones,
function (ms) {
return _.map(ms.ProjectMilestoneTasks,
function (mst) {
return {
id: mst.Id,
name: mst.TaskDescription,
column: '1',
text: mst.TaskDescription,
swimlane: ms.Id,
barColor: '#1155CC'
swimlanes: _.map(vm.selectedProject.ProjectMilestones,
function (item) {
return { name: item.Description, id: item.Id }
Any assistance would be appreciated!
Kind regards,
Richard Bailey