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Scheduler event inline editing problem

Asked by Dana
8 years ago.

i use the latest version (8.3.3553) of daypilot scheduler for
i have problems with a weird behaviour of inline editing.
i start inline editing using EventClickHandling=Javascript.
if i commit my input via enter key or tab key it works like a charme.
but when i try to submit my changes by clicking outside the event box the onEventEdited handler will not be triggered and the changes are lost. This occurs sporadically by clicking in an event cell inside the same row.
The solution requires a fast and efficient data input.
Can somebody help me solving this problem?

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
8 years ago.

1. Does it happen when you click a grid cell (which fires TimeRangeSelected event) or another event (which fires EventClick)?

2. Also, how do you handle EventEdit event - is it the server-side event handler that isn't fired (EventEditHandling="CallBack" or "PostBack") or does it prevent even the client-side event handler (EventEditHandling="JavaScript").

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