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want to edit all day events

Asked by Eunice Harris
10 years ago.

After we bought Day Pilot we discovered you can't edit all day appointments. Now I see under Event Calendar All Day Appointments, it says
All-day events cannot be moved.
All-day events cannot be resized.
All-day events cannot be selected.
All-day events cannot be edited inline.

This is something we would dearly love to do, to be able to click on the all day appoinment and edit it.
Please let me know if we can, or when that is coming.
Eunice Harris

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
10 years ago.


Inline editing of all-day events is now available in the latest sandbox build (7.8.3154):

It will be available in the next official release.

In addition to the inline editing you can also use the standard EventClick event to open a modal dialog:

Comment posted by Eunice Harris
10 years ago.

but the eventClick does nothing if you click an all-day event. I get my modal dialog to display if I click on an event that is not all-day.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
10 years ago.

Sorry, it looks like there was a bug. It's fixed now (build 7.8.3157).

You can test it here:

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