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New Lines in DataTextField

Asked by Cezar
8 years ago.

I would like to have a description of event looking like this:

Name + Surname
Ilość osób: number

My code to get that string looks that:
public string Opis
{ get
return Osoba + Environment.NewLine + Email + Environment.NewLine + Telefon + Environment.NewLine + "Ilość osób: " + IloscOsob;

And got value looks that: Opis = "Przemysław Kościelniak\r\\r\n510238338\r\nIlość osób: 44"

Like you can see on screen there are no new lines... How can I do them? <br> or <br /> replaced Environment.NewLine didn't work.

Answer posted by Cezar
8 years ago.

Oh nevermind, I just replaced Environment.NewLine with <br /> and in wrote
protected override void OnBeforeEventRender(BeforeEventRenderArgs e)
e.Html = e.Text;
works nice now, there are new lines now as I wanted.

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