I have been using the callback on eventmove and eventresize events and the callback was working great. I then upgraded to version 4.7.1399 and the callback now updates, but all the events are no longer displayed. One of thereasons I upgraded was to use the additional headers. In my case I am setting the headerlevel to 2 in the code behind and then creating the first header row that contains the date and then creating children under that which are my resources. When I resize or move an event I specify the datasource and call databind() and update() on the calendar.
I tested this in the demo and it seems that theresize callback is working there.So I went back to my code and I then removed the first header row, which was the date in my case, so I no longer had any children and now the resize callback works. I don't think the problem is with the Calendar since it works in the demo, but I can't figure out why the callback doesn't bind the data correctly when I am using multiple headers. If anyone has any ideas on why the callback doesn't bind my data correctly I would appreciate it.