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No themes other than defualt included with Angular package 2018.2.3281

Asked by Anonymous
5 years ago.

Im trying to use the Windows 8 theme (scheduler_8) on a scheduler.

But applying that theme (as per, but this results in a css-less scheduler.

I've tried to find the theme files within the 'node_modules' folder but they are not present within 'daypilot-pro-angular' folder and there are no other obvious folders that they would be contained within.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
5 years ago.

The sample CSS themes (including scheduler_8) can be found in the zip package (both trial and full versions), in demo/themes directory.

You can also download it directly using this link:

The theme CSS needs to be added to the page using <link> tag.

<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="./themes/scheduler_8.css" />

In Angular, you can also add it to styles.css:

@import 'themes/scheduler_8.css';

This way it will be compiled (minified) and merged with the other styles.

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