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Update .timeHeaders doesn't work (with scheduler).

Asked by Joe
5 years ago.


Based on the documentation I should be able to alter any properties of the scheduler. I would like to have a toggle button which with I can change the time headers between Months :: Days and Months :: Weeks.

However if I execute the following line on the console nothing seems to happen:
dp.update({timeHeaders : [{groupBy: "Month", format: "MMMM yyyy"}, {groupBy: "Week"}]});

Tried to initiate the scheduler with this timeHeader also and it worked fine so guess that update should work with this parameter.

Thanks in advance

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
5 years ago.

In the MVC version, the time headers are generated on the server side and it's not possible to switch the view without calling the server.

You can request an update using commandCallBack() method which invokes OnCommand server-side event handler:

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