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ViewType = WorkWeek -> Days=1 and StartDate not monday

Asked by Charly
6 years ago.

title says it all:

i have a calendar set to ViewType = WorkWeek and after loading the events (correctly) the Days property is 1 and StartDate is some day of the displayed week but not neccessarily monday as the docu suggests here:

how can this happen?
what did i do wrong?
how can i get start/end date currently displayed (ViewType WorkWeek vs. Week)?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
6 years ago.
Comment posted by Charly
6 years ago.

ok, thanks for the hint. this did the trick.

in the link about _viewType_ you provided there is a link to the different _viewTypes_ ( and there it says:

These modes simplify work with the standard views.
It automatically sets the Day property value.
It automatically sets the StartDate to the first day of week in WorkWeek and Week modes (using the current culture).

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