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Create event from UTC

Asked by Anonymous
6 years ago.

I'm trying to add a new calendar event from a UTC string coming from my server.
How do I create an event from my UTC string?
After I add the event it shows the event for 9:00pm when it should show 1:00pm. An example would be preferred.

  • thanks

var dpstart = new DayPilot.Date('2019-02-19T21:00:00').toDate(); // UTC from my server
var dpend = new DayPilot.Date('2019-02-19T21:00:00').toDate(); // UTC from my server
var e = new DayPilot.Event({ start: dpstart, end: dpend, value: DayPilot.guid(), text: "event(should show 1:00 local pacific)", resource: 'E' });;

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