Thanks for your fix.
I have now tested with your latest build and it seems as the original daylight-bug is still there. But i can clearly see that something has been done, so the bug now behaves differently.
I have tried several things, but i cant yet put my finger on exactly what goes wrong. But this is my findings so far:
Still using CET (GMT+1) Thats UTC(zulu)+2 in summer.
1. If i set start and enddate in my db to time 02:00:
During the summermonths (summertime) the bookings start and enddate will display correctly. The colored top will show the bookings as completly filling all days (ie. no small white gap at each end). During wintermonths however, the start will still display correctly, but the end will span into the next day.
2. If i set start and endate to 01:00:
During summer start will span into the day before and end displays almost correct. However it seems as the last hour of the day is not occupied.
During winter start and end is correct and filling entire days.
3. If i set start and enddate to 00:00:
During summer start will span into the day before and end displays almost correct. Seems like the two last hours of the day is not occupied.
During winter start still spans into the day before, and end is almost correct. Seems like end is not filling the last hour of the day.
I cant replicate this on your sandbox demo. Only in my testenvironment. I have double checked i got the latest js files and cleared my cache. Any suggestions?