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Related article: HTML5 Machine/Production Job Scheduling Tutorial (PHP/MySQL)
Asked by Posey Hedges
6 years ago.

Set up database using data on your tutorial, edited db.php for mysql, configured db_mysql.php connection. When I load index.html I see only two rows (Resource 1 & 2) and only the current month -not groups and resources, etc.

Suspect I'm close. Appreciate any pointers to complete install. Thanks.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
6 years ago.

It looks like you might have overwritten the index.html file with one generated using the UI Builder (the generated index.html uses resources array with Resource 1 and Resource 2 defined).

If you download the project zip using the "Download Now" link at the top of the article ( you'll get a ready-to-run project. In order to switch to MySQL, it's only necessary to edit _db.php and _db_mysql.php (as you did). You don't need to follow all the implementation steps described in the tutorial (it contains the final implementation).

The db will be created and initialized automatically (give the permissions are correct). You should see a tree with "Cutting", "Welding" and "Sandblasting" groups on the left.

Please let me know if it still doesn't work.

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