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Questions Tagged html5

Changing date format on Day/Week view

Answered: You can use the locale property to apply culture-specific settings (such as date format, first day of week….). const calendar = new DayPilot.Calendar("calendar", { locale: "en-au", // ... }); ...

I don't see the event on the calendar but it is present on DB

Answered: This tutorial was created for an older version of PHP. PHP 8.3 produces warnings about using dynamic properties: Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property ... is deprecated in ... on line ... That dis...

isnt working

Answered: Do you see any error in the JavaScript console?

Initialize Calendar to Show Start and End Time on Event

Answered: The showEventStartEnd property isn’t supported in the open-source version of the Calendar component at the moment. However, you can customize the event content as needed using the onBeforeEventRender...

increase day-time insert events column

Answered: The cell duration (and number of cells per hour) can be configured in the Calendar, but this option is only available in the Pro version.

How to create slots with 2 or 3 hours and display them as single column?

Answered: In the Scheduler, you can create your own timeline by defining individual time slots. You can set custom start and end times for each slot, as long as they do not overlap with other slots.

Add additional data to the events table

Answered: You can create the modal dialog using DayPilot.Modal.form() - you can find an example here: JavaScript Scheduler: How to Edit Multiple Fields using a Modal Dialog DayPilot.Modal is included in the op...

location is not changing

Answered: It looks like there is bug in the onchange event handler. An updated version will be released soon.

Part Time employees

Answered: You can mark specified days as disabled using onBeforeCellRender in the Scheduler component. This method is used in the tutorial to disable weekends: onBeforeCellRender: (args) => { const day = ar...

Use with ASP.Net Core 6

Answered: Yes, no problem. DayPilot is a purely client-side solution so you can use it with any backend. This example includes a .NET 7 project but you can use the same source code with .NET 6 as well. You jus...

Can your products allow us to re-create this Scheduler/Timeline view?

Answered: Yes, this should be no problem. I’m including a couple of screenshots and links to features that will help you implement what you need: 1. The timeline can be customized as needed. If the built-in un...

How I can modify resources? If I don’t need group?

Answered: If the events don’t display correctly, you should check the id of the resources (resources[].id) and the resource of events (event.list[].resource). Events are only displayed in a row if these value ...

Insert another textarea

Answered: You can use a custom modal dialog and add as many field as needed. Here is an example: async function modalText() { const form = [ {name: "Name", id: "name", type: "text"}, {name: "D...

Moving and resizing tasks was not explained

Answered: You can find the documentation here: Resizing: Moving (horizontal):

tennis club

im making a website about tennis club using php i dont know how to do it please help me

How do I modify a database?

Answered: You can take a look at this tutorial: It is for Angular, but it shows how to add a context menu to the row headers with additiona...

Setting Number of Appointments

Answered: You can take a look at this tutorial: It uses pre-generated slots that are offered to users for making appointments....

Example does not work

Answered: I recommend checking the HTTP call to the API (backend_events.php) in the browser developer console (Network tab). Most likely, you will see a DB-related error instead of the expected JSON array with...

MySQL cannot use just SQlite can use only why?

Answered: In order to switch to MySQL please follow the instructions at the bottom of the article (a section called "Database (MySQL, SQLite)"). You need to edit _db.php and _mysql.php files.

JSON error in file: daypilot-all.min.js

Answered: This happens if the PHP backend returns an error instead of a JSON response. I recommend checking the backend HTTP request using browser developer tools. The response will contain an error message wh...

How to add a database and script to handle public holidays.

Answered: There is a tutorial available that shows how to display holidays (by setting a custom scheduler cell background color): I beli...

Problem with events and resources background

Answered: The image export only supports a limited set of CSS styles. The Scheduler tries to detect the background color but if you use an unsupported background style it will fail. You can override the auto-d...

Empy header cell for next columns if treeEnabled = true

Answered: The column content is set in onBeforeRowHeaderRender event handler. You'll need to modify it to exclude parent rows: dp.onBeforeRowHeaderRender = (args) => { // skip parent rows if (arg...

Problem with exporting events

Answered: The Scheduler will include events that are loaded at the moment of export (it uses the event data from events.list) in the exported image. If you use dynamic loading (

Total hour by Employee by tasks

El total que me da por empleado, no es correct. Estoy utilizando una prueba de Scheduler y no suma los minitos correctaente, me ma menos.

How to convert php to spring boot

Answered: Unfortunately, this tutorial is not available for Spring Boot at this moment. To see how the Calendar and Scheduler components can be used with Spring Boot backend, please see the following tutorials...

i want to chart add in codeigniter but data not fetch from conreoller

i want to chart add in codeigniter but data not fetch from conreoller anyone can send me code for codeigniter same chart?

What program should i use for the codes?

Answered: In order to run the project, you'll need PHP, a webserver and a MySQL database server. A decent knowledge of JavaScript is also necessary if you want to customize the project. If you are a complete b...

Scroll not working in ionic v1

Answered: We don't officially support Ionic. It may or may not work. Ionic is quietly intercepting events and doing some weird things, especially in the early versions. I recommend trying it with the latest Io...

How to run this source code?

how to run this source using xampp
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