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Month Control: print() for exportAs

Asked by John
5 years ago.

The Scheduler control has print() in documentation, but the Month control does not. I do notice though that print() works for the Month control. Are there any setbacks to using this since it's not mentioned in the API?

Comment posted by John
5 years ago.

Actually, I see the documentation for print() for the Month control now. I notice that it puts the window name at the top, along with the day and URL at the bottom. Is there any way to remove the window name at the least?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
5 years ago.

The print() method prints the exported image using the browser print() function. There is no way to control how the printed page will look like using the browser API. It can only be set by the user in the print dialog.

If you need more control over the printed page (orientation, paper size, headers, additional text, etc.) it's necessary to create a PDF file. Please see the following tutorial:

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