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Zoom in/out feature

Asked by Suman
5 years ago.

I saw zoom in/out feature when headers clicked but the code is in Could you please help me out the way to achieve zoom in / out feature from javascript or jquery.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
5 years ago.

Please see the following tutorial that shows how to implement zoom for the Scheduler component in JavaScript:

Comment posted by Suman
5 years ago.

Hi Dan,
Thanks for the zoom feature. This works great.

I have one additional requirement on Zoom levels. when an event is clicked and the zoom in/out is applied, the event should come in the middle of the view port in the next zoom level. How can I achieve this.

Can you please help me on this.

Comment posted by Suman
5 years ago.

Hi Dan,

I have applied the zoom feature.
But i need an one extra requirement. Is it possible that when zoom in / out, the horizontal scroll be in the same positions without moving and just zoom the view? it is inconvenient to find events when zoom and the horizontal scroller moves.


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