Hi everybody,
I have a trouble with the plugin, and I don't know how to fix it. First of all, I implemented Infinite Scrolliing and Switcher to change the view between day and month in a Scheduler Calendar. In this case, the Switcher works for the Scheduler calendar with some problems, because I can't access to onChnage when a Swither is trigger. But well, the problem that I have is at the moment that I change between month and day views, the date for the Scheduler start a step back, for example:
I set “today” date for both calendars, then I switch to month view, and display initial date 7 months back, then I switch to day view and display for initial day 4 months back, change again to month view and display initial date 5 months back from the previous change, and change to day view and the do the same, and go on. If I implement just the switcher without infinite scrolling, this does not happen, I don't know how to control this problem. Do you have any idea?
The other problem is when I reload the webpage, the events load two times, two for the day view and two for the month view, actually I tried to find the way that just called for the actual view, to avoid waste resources. But well, the problem here is that the event loading is called two times and not one for both views, and is a problem from the infinite scrolling again, because when I disable the scrolling the called for the events is happens ones.
I hope that you can help me, sorry for my english and thanks in advanced