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Day specific start and end time

Asked by Anonymous
4 years ago.

My question is regarding this product -

When I am in the week view, can I set start and end times that is specific to a day of the week?

Day start end
Mon 10:00 5:00
Tue 11:00 4:00
Wed 9:00 3:00

I tried this, but it does not do what I want.

configWeek: any = {
cellHeight: 20,
cellDuration: 15,
businessBeginsHour: 10, --> All the days of the week have the start time as 10:00, which I don't want
viewType: "Week",

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
4 years ago.

The visibility of cells can't be specific to columns. However, there are two options (depending on the required logic):

1. You can mark specific cells as disabled which will make then unavailable for drag and drop:

2. You can mark individual cells as business/non-business:

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