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Update Navigator Visible Month

Asked by Romux
5 years ago.

I use next and previous link buttons to switch to next or prvious week. (selectMode is set to "week");
Works fine but if i reach a date outside current month, navigator will not update - its still showing September while date is October.

How can i update navigator to show selected date?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
5 years ago.

It should work automatically this way. If the new date is outside of the currently visible range it will switch to the target month.

Maybe this is an edge case - would you be able to create an example that reproduces the issue? It can be a simple config with the visible dates + the new date.

And a note: I'm not sure if this is intentional but your example uses addDays(1). Normally you'd use something like this to switch to the next month:;

The selectionDay property holds the last selected day (clicked or selected using select() method):

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