I am using previous/ next feature and navigator calendar of DayPilot.
So i have a Main calendar with Day/Week/Month view and small navigation calendar to the left of it.
When user clicks next button is pressed it will update main calendar.
when user clicks next i also want to change the selection in navigator calendar, which i am able to do it.
my javascript function as follows;
var getEvents = function(){
//code to change navigator calendar selection
if (dpNavigator.selectMode == 'week') {
var startDate = new DayPilot.Date(dpNavigator.selectionStart.addDays(7));
PROBLEM : Changing navigator calendar selection happens immediately (javascript normal behavior).
can we pass our own javascript callback function which will get executed once the dp.commandCallBack('next'); is successful?
or Is there any other way using which we can achieve the same behavior?
I hope I could able to explain the scenario.