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Weird Display of Navigator and Calender

Asked by Triccoteam
5 years ago.

By applying:
nav.titleHeight = "20";
nav.dayHeaderHeight = "20";


dp.headerHeight = "20";
dp.allDayEventHeight = "20";

Nav and Cal are looking weird
I'm using version 2019.4.4112.

Code and results are attached for review, maybe I missed something?


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
5 years ago.

The values should be numbers, not strings:

nav.titleHeight = 20;
nav.dayHeaderHeight = 20;

// and

dp.headerHeight = 20;
dp.allDayEventHeight = 20;

Let me know if it didn't help.

Comment posted by Triccoteam
5 years ago.

That's it. Thank's again. Now everything is fine.

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