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"DayPilot for javascript" headerLevels How to Set

Asked by hayash
9 years ago.

I have been using daypilot-1895.

When you set the following value to the property layout was collapsed.
$dp.headerLevels = 2;
$dp.headerHeight = 16;
$dp.allDayEventHeight = 10;
$dp.headerHeightAutoFit = true;
$dp.allDayHeaderHeight = 20;

However, the following two lines If you comment, layout did not collapse.

// $ Dp.allDayEventHeight = 10;
// $ Dp.allDayHeaderHeight = 20;

If the layout is lost, the height of the message is abnormal.

I want to know the correct settings.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
9 years ago.

Unfortunately, I'm not able to reproduce the problem using the latest DayPilot Pro version. Are you able to reproduce it by modifying on of the demos in the package?

Comment posted by hayash
9 years ago.

It occurred in version 8.1.1947.
I was registered was reproduced html.

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