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onBeforeRowHeaderExport never called

Asked by linuski
5 years ago.

My environment: Angular 8 - DayPilot Pro 2019.4.4073

While exporting my scheduler, It seems that onBeforeRowHeaderExport method is never called.
Others export method are called.

export() {
const element = this.scheduler.control.exportAs('png', { area: 'viewport' });'export.png');

config is :

config {
onBeforeCellExport: args => this.onBeforeCellExport (args),
onBeforeEventExport: args => this.onBeforeEventExport (args),
onBeforeRowHeaderExport: args => this.onBeforeRowHeaderExport (args),
onBeforeTimeHeaderExport: args => this.onBeforeTimeHeaderExport (args),

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
5 years ago.

This was a regression that should be fixed now in the latest build (2019.4.4124+).

Please let me know if the problem persists.

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