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Scheduler - Row header columns export issue

Asked by Christophe Laskawiec
6 years ago.

I have some issues while using export (png). Text of first column header isn't visible.
image screen#1.jpg shows a part of screen while export(12).png shows the result of export: there is nothing into the first column.

Html part:
<div class="main-body">

  • scheduler [config]="config" [events]="events" #scheduler></daypilot-scheduler>
  • </div>

ts part:
config: any = {
rowHeaderColumns: [
{ title: '<div class="column numero">Vxx</div>', width: 30 }
, { title: '<div class="column">Pot Vxx</div>', width: 40 }
, { title: '<div class="column numero">Fretting</div>', width: 40 }
, { title: '<div class="column numero">STD</div>', width: 60 }
, { title: '<div class="column">avion<br/>projetable</div>', width: 60 }
, { title: '<div class="column">Butée<br/>Calendaire</div>', width: 70 }
, { title: '<div class="column">Prévu<br/>AIA</div>', width: 60 }
, { title: '<div class="column numero">N°</div>', width: 30 } ],
onBeforeCellRender: args => this.onBeforeCellRender(args),
onBeforeRowHeaderRender: args => this.onBeforeRowHeaderRender(args),
onBeforeCellExport: args => this.onBeforeCellExport(args),
onBeforeEventExport: args => this.onBeforeEventExport(args),
onBeforeRowHeaderExport: args => this.onBeforeRowHeaderExport(args),
onBeforeTimeHeaderExport: args => this.onBeforeTimeHeaderExport(args)

onBeforeRowHeaderExport(args) {'row header', args);
args.horizontalAlignment = 'center';

ngOnInit() {
this.config.resources = [
{name: "V10T", id: "X901", columns: [{html: "125"}, {html: "-"}, {html: "EMS"}, {html: "ORG"}, {html: "18/11/2015"}, {html: "12/2017"}, {html: "X901"}] },
{name: "V30", id: "X902", columns: [{html: "577"}, {html: "377"}, {html: ""}, {html: "N MIDS"}, {html: "01/03/2017"}, {html: "10/2017"}, {html: "X902"}] },

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
6 years ago.

There was a bug which caused the width of the first column to be calculated incorrectly - that made the text invisible for args.horizontalAlignment = "center".

It should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2018.2.3273):

Please let me know if the problem persists.

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