Hi, I follow the zoom tutorial on https://code.daypilot.org/12302/angular-scheduler-zoom
zoomLevels: [
name: "Year",
properties: {
scale: "Day",
cellWidth: 40,
timeHeaders: [{groupBy: "Year"}, {groupBy: "Month", format: "MMMM"}, {groupBy: "Day", format: "d"}],
startDate: function (args) { return args.date.firstDayOfYear(); },
days: function (args) { return args.date.daysInYear(); },
but on this part inside config zoomLevels compiler say 'name' does not exist in type 'ZoomLevel'.
ERROR in src/app/test/daypilot-scheduler/daypilot-scheduler.component.ts(113,9): error TS2322: Type '{ name: string; properties: { scale: string; cellWidth: number; timeHeaders: ({ groupBy: string; } | { groupBy: string; format: string; })[]; startDate: (args: any) => any; days: (args: any) => any; }; }' is not assignable to type 'ZoomLevel'.
Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'name' does not exist in type 'ZoomLevel'.
Please advise how to solve it?