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Questions Tagged angular7

How can I display shorten name of the Week?

Answered: The timeHeaders property is only applicable to the Scheduler component. In the Calendar component, you can change the date format using headerDateFormat property:

Facing full screen mode issue on Scheduler timeline.

Answered: When the content doesn't fill the whole space vertically, the Scheduler displays an empty space. I see that you are using a custom CSS theme - you'll need to update it so the space below the content ...

While printing Scheduler I'm getting text color error.

Answered: The Scheduler tries to read the actual event styles but it does it using a standard event (and not for every item). If you apply custom text color (and other properties) using a CSS class it won't be...

How can I add textbox or search on Contextmenu?

Answered: Unfortunately, the context menu doesn't support a search box or custom elements. To select a user from a long list you can use a dialog created using DayPilot Moal which supports a searchable list: ...

How to add search on child row?

Answered: The args.row property holds a DayPilot.Row object and you can access the original resource data object (from resources[] array) using "data" property:

How can I add more columns on each row in headers?

Answered: If you display multiple rows in the column header you can specify the child column content using "children" property - the columns are organized in a hierarchy (see also

For Database

Answered: There is no specific PostgreSQL tutorial available but you can check the Angular + MySQL tutorials: In order to switch the tutorials to MySQL you'd n...

Resource Bubble Not Working

Answered: In the recent versions, there seems to be a problem with displaying the resource bubble when hovering the first resource (Angular only). When you move the mouse to another resource, it works fine. Th...

angular timetable for school and class weekly timetable

is there any option to schedule a week for school / class timetable with custom timings and custom blocks?

Angular Scheduler Zoom : 'name' does not exist in type 'ZoomLevel

Answered: This should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2019.4.4154). The tutorial project uses an untyped config object so you can use this approach as a workaround: config: any = { // ... }

Bubble is positioned incorrectly (Angular 2+)

Hi I added dynamic tooltip in daypilot event calendar but the popover is seems to be misplaced. Please have a look at screenshot attached

NG7 - scheduler (zoom example): undefined "args" in .config ?!

Answered: It looks like if you set startDate using a string (not DayPilot.Date) in the config you may receive it in unconverted. It's fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2019.2.3893). In previous ...

Angular 7 - change detection triggered way too much

Answered: There are two factors to take into account: 1. Frequency of change detection cycle calls Angular fires the change detection cycle for pretty much any action, including callback functions that are cal...

Load events with skipping non business cells.

Answered: The events are defined using start/end (not using start and duration). When creating new events using the Scheduler with non-business days hidden the Scheduler will return the correct dates (taking t...

regarding SAAS license

Answered: When you need to deploy multiple instances (e.g. for scalability reasons) you'll need to upgrade to a multi-server license (i.e. SaaS Team or SaaS Office).
Questions 1-15 of 15