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Questions Tagged angular

when custom theme link is not proper

When custom theme gantt chart, link between task is not displayed properly arrow is replayed like a semicircle

Link Customization - Layer "Above" or "Below"

Answered: 1. The default linkLayer value is set to "Above" and you can see this behavior in the Links demo as well. Instead of using z-index, it uses the two different layers that are inserted into the DOM in ...

Dr Appointment usecase in Angular

Answered: Unfortunately, the doctor appointment reservation tutorial is not available for Angular + ASP.NET Core at the moment.

Remove Text

Answered: The DEMO label indicates that you are using a trial version of DayPilot Pro. To remove the label, you need to purchase a license.

Restrict multiple Days Selection

Answered: Could you please post a screenshot that would show your requirement?

Regarding removal of header as given in attached file with email.

Answered: Please see the src/index.html file in the project attached to the Angular Scheduler: Event Filtering tutorial - the header is defined there.

Avoid focusing an event on keyboard.focusCell

Answered: The current implementation of keyboard.focusCell() finds the default keyboard cursor position for the specified cell. That can be an event if it is at the top position (line 0). However, it should be...

Angular component inside event disappears when scrolling right

Answered: This is caused by floating events, a feature that displays the event text floating at the viewport edge when scrolling to the right. Angular components can’t be displayed in the floating part but you...

How to change css and html of Daypilot

Answered: You can use custom CSS easily - the best way is to generate a calendar CSS theme online. You can modify it manually as needed. In the open-source version, you can customize the inner HTML of events, ...

Resize Event daypilot-scheduler doesn't work. App crash

Answered: Unfortunately, I’m not able to reproduce the issue. Would you be able to post your config and a sample event?

Feature Request For Frozen Rows

Answered: We don’t plan to add a vertical scrollbar support to the frozen rows in the Scheduler. If you want to display two independently scrolling row sections, I recommend using two Scheduler instances, like...

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'style')

daypilot-core.js:17 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'style') at DayPilot.Calendar.Ea (daypilot-core.js:17:14081) at DayPilot.Calendar.La (daypilot-core.js:16:23322) at Res...

How to use angular component in bubble HTML

Answered: Sorry for the delay! There is a tutorial that shows how to insert an Angular component to the bubble. Angular Scheduler: Dynamic Tooltip It is necessary to instantiate the component and add it to the...

<daypilot-scheduler> is not a known element

Answered: It is necessary to add DayPilotModule to the imports section of the module where you want to use <daypilot-scheduler>. Example from the Angular Scheduler Quick Start tutorial: import {DataService} fr...

Cannot install DayPilot in my current Angular application

Answered: It looks like Chrome has started to report certain code as an error, even though it was acceptable before. It will be fixed shortly.

How to Select multiple events using Click

Answered: You can use the API to modify the behavior: Add an onEventClick handler and use multiselect.add() to add the event to the selection.


Answered: I’m not sure if that’s what you mean but in the Calendar component in the Pro version, it is possible to select multiple events and then delete them using the API (use to get a l...

How to edit Queue items

Answered: To edit the queue items, you can add another item (“Edit”) to the context menu: It will open a modal dialog with task details: This context menu can be defined like this: queueConfig: DayPilot.QueueC...

scroll 2 daypilot component in a single scroll event

Answered: You can synchronize two Schedulers using a native scroll event as demonstrated in this demo: // scrollbar synchronization ...

Cannot install daypilot-pro-angular

Answered: The correct command is as follows: yarn add You can also get the current version link at

Splitter between the rowheader grid and task grid not showing

Answered: I've tried to add your config to a new Angular Gantt chart project generated using and it seems to work fine. The splitter appears as expected. If you are using a custom ...

Create custom column with DayPilot scheduler in angular 12

Answered: Please take a look at the following tutorial: It uses a context menu to show/hide individual row header colum...

Scheduler: consecutive events appear as overlapping with high zoom level

Answered: In some cases this can happen. It's a result of the following logic: 1. The Scheduler enforces a minimum event with of 1px. 2. The overlaps are resolved on pixel level. These rules are necessary to e...

Use keyboard with daypilot angular

Answered: The Scheduler attaches "keyup" and "keydown" event handlers to the document element if you enable keyboard support using "keyboardEnabled: true". It uses the document object as the event target (you ...

Angular DayPilot Lite Library - DayPilot.Calendar class missing property "headerDateFormat"

Answered: This should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (2022.4.434): The next official release will be available next week. Thanks for reporting the issue!

multiple event

Answered: This is not supported in the Calendar component at the moment but you can take a look at the Scheduler component which can group concurrent events automatically:

Multiple event show +1

Answered: > If we have multiple event can we show +2 or +3 etc Please see my answer here: > in weekly can we change date format You can change the calen...

Version no of Angular 13 DayPilot proversion?

Answered: Thanks, it's worked with latest DayPilot version.

Angular Gantt chart row header expand collapse not working.

Answered: 1. Unfortunately, I'm not able to reproduce the first issue. In Angular, it's important to remember that the expanded/collapsed state is stored in the data source. If you load the Gantt chart tasks u...

How can show Scheduler event text without wrapping ?

Answered: To disable text wrapping, the eventTextWrappingEnabled value must be set to false. It adds "whitespace: no-wrap" style to the event element. See also:
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