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Vue.js: export and download scheduler as svg

Asked by Max
5 years ago.

how can I export to svg by using the scheduler with vue.js. I'm still validating and using the trial version. I tried the tutorial but the function "exportAs" couldn't be found and nothing helped me. Thank you so far.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
5 years ago.

If you follow this tutorial:

you will be able to access the DayPilot.Scheduler object as "this.scheduler". It's a computed property defined like this:

computed: {
    // DayPilot.Scheduler object
    scheduler: function () {
        return this.$refs.scheduler.control;

You can use it to invoke the DayPilot.Scheduler methods (, including exportAs():

methods: {
    schedulerExport(): function() {

Comment posted by Max
5 years ago.

Thank you, that was helpful.

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