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Split hour in 15min

Asked by iomega55
18 years ago.
At this moment each hour range is divided into 2 half hours, ie 30min.

Is it possible to split each hour in 4 parts, each one of 15min?

Is it possible to have a different color for each of those parts?

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
18 years ago.
Cell colors
I plan to allow specifying the color of each cell separately. It will be a part of specifying the business hours, i.e. there will be an event that will be called before cell drawing to determine if it is inside business hours or not (that will supplement the current system of fixed business hours for all days).

That means the cell color could be either the color of business hours or a non-business hour.

If you need a custom color for each cell and you are not able to tweak DayPilot yourself to do it, contact me for a custom change (daypilot @

More cells per hour
I'm not sure about this feature yet. It depends on how many people are interested in that feature. Can you describe your use case?
Comment posted by iomega55
18 years ago.
Thanks for reply.

I need to have a different color for each 30min. 0-30 blue, 31 to 59 white for example.

One of my users ask if instead of having range of 30min, we can have range of 15min
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
18 years ago.
Colors: I will use some kind of a callback (i.e. event) where the user (developer) should be able to modify some parameters.

More cells per hour: I will try to implement it. I will need to check if it works with the planned advanced features (like event drag&drop).
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
18 years ago.
Configurable number of cells per hour is now available in DayPilot 3.0.
Comment posted by Anonymous
17 years ago.

Hi Dan,

Is the more cells per hour feature available in DayPilot Lite.

My customer is also looking a similar feature and I am looking at DayPilot Lite for it.



Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
Hi Raghav,

This feature is available only in DayPilot Pro. But DayPilot Pro offers many other interesting features and is definitely worth buying. ;-)
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