//I managed to implement the copy multiple events at a go but still running into some errors in run time.
//1. I need to know how to clear selection after right clicking on paste. Otherwise even after pasting the selected //events for copying still remain highlighted and this courses undesirable operation for me.
//2 When I copy an event and paste it, then try to copy it again, I get weird new events that do not much the original //selection.
//could the problem lie with the fact that am not clearing the selection on the scheduler before I start copying new //multiple events.
//Heres my code, the control select part
eventClickHandling: 'Enabled',
onEventClick: async (args) => {
if (args.ctrl) {
console.log("New args---", args.e.data);
console.log("multiclipboard", multiclipboard);
else {
//do nohting
and heres the right click menu for copy multiple that has the clearSelection() function called
contextMenu: new DayPilot.Menu({
items: [
text: 'Delete',
onClick: (args) => {
const dp = args.source.calendar;
//backend sync here
console.log("Deleted", args.source.data);
text: "Copy",
onClick: (args) => {
clipboard = args.source.data;
const dp = args.source.calendar;
console.log("Copicat", clipboard);
text: "Copy Multiple",
onClick: (args) => {
//clipboard = args.source.data;
const dp = args.source.calendar;
console.log("Copicat", multiclipboard);
//And here's the part that does the actual pasting multiple events, its the last item in the contextMenuSelection attributes
contextMenuSelection: new DayPilot.Menu({
items: [
text: "Paste",
onClick: (args) => {
if (!clipboard) {
alert("Nothing to paste, use Copy first");
const dp = args.source.calendar;
console.log("logost", args.source);
console.log("Paste", clipboard);
var duration = new Date(clipboard.end).getTime() - new Date(clipboard.start).getTime();
duration = duration / (3600 * 24000);
function addDays(date, days) {
var result = new Date(date);
result.setDate(result.getDate() + days);
return result;
console.log("duration", duration);
const newEvent = {
start: args.source.start,
end: addDays(args.source.start, duration),
id: DayPilot.guid(),
barColor: clipboard.barColor,
resource: args.source.resource,
shift: clipboard.text,
month: clipboard.month,
text: clipboard.text,
hours: clipboard.hours,
days: clipboard.days,
console.log("newEvent", newEvent);
// redisSync(newEvent);
text: "Paste Multiple",
onClick: (args) => {
if (!multiclipboard) {
alert("Nothing to paste, use Copy first");
const dp = args.source.calendar;
let currentStart = args.source.start;
const copiedEventIds = new Set(); // Store IDs of copied events
multiclipboard.forEach((item) => {
if (!copiedEventIds.has(item.id)) {
const duration = new Date(item.end).getTime() - new Date(item.start).getTime();
const newEvent = {
start: currentStart,
end: new Date(currentStart.getTime() + duration),
id: DayPilot.guid(),
barColor: item.barColor,
resource: args.source.resource,
shift: item.text,
month: item.month,
text: item.text,
hours: item.hours,
days: item.days,
currentStart = new Date(newEvent.end.getTime()); // Set the start date for the next event
copiedEventIds.add(item.id); // Add the copied event ID to the set to prevent duplicates
// dp.clearSelection();
multiclipboard = []; // Clear clipboard after pasting