I'm trying to parse a date using format 'd-MMM-yy' but that gives me an error.
When executing the example in API documentation (https://api.daypilot.org/daypilot-date-parse/) it works
- DayPilot.Date.parse("12/31/2016", "M/d/yyyy");
When modifying this to the date format we use (except the use of full year notation) it works as well.
- DayPilot.Date.parse( "10-SEP-2020", "d-MMM-yyyy");
But when modifying this to shortened year notation, as described in the documentation, it gives me an errror.
- DayPilot.Date.parse( "10-SEP-20", "d-MMM-yy");
Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?
An image is attached where you can see the result I get in the Chrome DevTools console.
DayPilot Pro for JavaScript 2020.3.4648 is being used here.