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Line between normal and frozen rows

Asked by Anonymous
4 years ago.

Are there any solutions/workarounds to make the line between normal and frozen rows more visible, e. g. to make it thicker or to pad more space to the top and/or bottom of that line.

As you can see in the attached screenshot, if we have a lot of normal rows, the separation between normal and frozen rows isn't that obvious.

Best regards

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
4 years ago.

In the latest version (2020.4.4807), the horizontal lines separating frozen rows from the main grid are now marked with special CSS classes (*_divider_horizontal_frozen_top and *_divider_horizontal_frozen_bottom) in addition to *_divider_horizontal. You can use these classes to change the color (using "background-color" style).

See also:

It's also possible to use onBeforeCellRender to set a different background color for the frozen rows and/or add an extra line to the top/bottom using active areas.

Comment posted by Anonymous
4 years ago.

Thank you. I changed the color using the CSS class *_divider_horizontal_frozen_bottom
Is it also possible to make the divider thicker?

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
4 years ago.

You can increase the height by changing the "height" style using CSS but it will cover the cells below partially. Usually a few pixels won't cause any problem.

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