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Calendar Control not refreshing

Asked by Kristine
3 years ago.

Has anyone struck this? I have a ASP WebForm project with C# in the backend.
Even through I refresh the control as below and as per the Tutorial its not refreshing and showing new events. Drag and resize work fine with existing events.

The only way to get new events to show is to use the Browser Refresh (F5) and reload the page. Even calling Response.redirect from code in behind won't reload the Calendar correctly.

I am refreshing the control with (The prismRespository is a interface class for a SQL database)

DayPilotCalendarWeek.DataSource = prismRepository.GetResourceBookedTech(Monday, EndDate, UserId);

Any clues greatly appreciated.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
3 years ago.

Unfortunately, it's not clear from your example what could be wrong. I recommend starting with a working project from one of the tutorials, e.g.

The Response.Redirect() call doesn't work in CallBack events (only in PostBacks) - that's a limitation of the ASP.NET callback mechanism.

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