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Scheduler Persist row (resource) moving

Asked by Jan
3 years ago.

Hi everybody
any of you have experience row/resource moving with some degree of persisting the new order (cookie, back-end profile...)?
Help would be much appreciated.
Greetings, Jan

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
3 years ago.

You can take a look at the following tutorial to see how to handle row moving and persist the row order (in JavaScript/Node.js):

The order is stored using two DB field (ordinal, ordinal_priority) and the reordering is done in two steps - first the row is inserted at the specified location and then the fields are compacted (spaces in ordinal values removed, duplicate ordinal values changed, and ordinal_priority made the same).

You can find the same logic implemented in PHP in this tutorial:

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