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Delete on mobile

Asked by spiNOops
2 years ago.


it seems impossible to delete an event in Mobile. None of this are available with touch gestures :

built-in delete icon
context menu
custom active area icon

How to implement that?

I tried to add a delete button in the modal but seems impossible too. Any idea?

Thanks for your anwser

Comment posted by spiNOops
2 years ago.

I also tried to use custom active area icon. But on mobile, when we click on it, it always open the modal...

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
2 years ago.

You can use an active area with the following properties.

This will ensure that the active area will be always visible:

visibility: "Visible"

Or you can make it permanently visible on touch devices. On other devices, it will be visible on hover:

visibility: "TouchVisible"

Using action: "None" will prevent the default action (the click/tap will not bubble up to the event):

action: "None"

So it could look like this:

dp.onBeforeEventRender = args => { = [
      right: 5,
      top: 5,
      width: 17,
      height: 17,
      cssClass: "scheduler_default_event_delete",
      action: "None",
      visibility: "TouchVisible",
      onClick: args => {; }
Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
2 years ago.

This example is now included in the documentation as well:

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