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Popover using onEventRightClick

Asked by Albert
2 years ago.

Is there some tutorial or example on how to open a popover when right click on event?

Using something like bootstrap-popover or webui-popover.

I need some customized view when performing right click.

Kind regards.

Answer posted by Albert
2 years ago.

I've solved with the following code:

Added a unique class on event inside onBeforeEventRender: =;

Later, inside onEventRightClick I just look for that class and I activate the popover:

$('.' +{{title: 'sample', content: 'description'})
$('.' +'show')

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
2 years ago.

You can open a custom popover using the onEventRightClick event:

You can also enable the built-in Bubble popover using eventRightClickHandling property:

dp.eventRightClickHandling = "Bubble";

See also:

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
2 years ago.

Thanks for posting your solution!

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