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Show an icon when hovering a cell with crosshair on

Asked by sam
2 years ago.

We already have a crosshair vertical/horizontal/top/left on our calendar. On top of it, I would like to add an icon when hovering a cell.
From other discussions I know you can add just a :hover selector to the corresponding classes like so :

.scheduler_default_cell:hover, .scheduler_default_cell.scheduler_default_cell_business:hover {
background-color: #ccc;

But the crosshair seems to hide any hover you add on the cell itself, even changing the z-indexes.
What would be the solution?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
2 years ago.

The full crosshair (crosshairType = "Full") is displayed above the cells and masks access to them. So unfortunately, it's not possible to combine the full crosshair with hover styles for cells.

I recommend switching the crosshair to header only (crosshairType="Header"). Then you'll be able to use the your :hover style and also cell active areas with visibility: "Hover".

Comment posted by sam
2 years ago.

Thank you for the answer!

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