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how to export cornerHtml text value ?

Asked by Anthony
2 years ago.


I put a text in the cornerHtml like that :

dp.cornerHtml = "something";

but when I export using dp.exportAs('png')

there's nothing in the corner

is there a way to put a text in this corner that will be included in the exported format ?


Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
2 years ago.

Unfortunately, the corner export is not supported at the moment.

However, I'm checking if it is possible to add it - I'll keep you updated.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
2 years ago.

The corner content is now included in the exported image (since build 2021.4.5145).

By default, the corner will display the text specified using cornerText property:

You can also customize the content during export using the new onBeforeCornerExport event:

Comment posted by Anthony
2 years ago.

Thank you !

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